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About Hernando Youth Football Association
Hernando Youth Football Association’s mission is to promote the development of strong character, high self-esteem, good attitude and a sense of responsibility and citizenship among our community’s children through their participation in youth sports.
We believe this is absolutely a great opportunity for people to get involved with their kids. Provide their families the opportunity for the children to come in and learn the basics fundamentals and love of the sport. Most importantly what we teach the kids is to learn how to respect the game and respect each other. We want to provide a fun learning experience through football, cheer and dance teaching self-discipline, teamwork, concentration, friendship, leadership and good sportsmanship in a positive, safe environment. We are a total volunteer organization. All board members, coaches, etc.. We are completely funded by registration fees, donations and fundraisers, and our loyal sponsors.
HYFA History
HYFA began in 2003 by a small group of dedicated community members looking to give the youth of Desoto County another chance to get out and learn life lessons.
The founding members of HYFA were Danny Carter, Buck Scruggs, Kenny Stockton, Shane Smith, Kevin Johnson, John Sowell, Ernie Cleveland, Jason Canton, Michelle Sellers, and Michael McClendon. These individuals worked hard to get HYFA off the ground. The first year of existence HYFA had 20 football players and 2 cheerleaders!
In 2015 HYFA moved from playing our games at the old high school football field to the Hernando Middle School football field. This change really opens up the eyes of all the young participants. They really feel the big atmosphere this venue offers. They all look forward to cheering, dancing, and playing football on the middle school field. Their ultimate goal is the chance to do the same on our Championship Saturday which is held at the Hernando High School Football Field.
In 2016 HYFA began to have participants become even more community involved. HYFA participants are required to complete community service projects with their respective teams and squads. This community service allows the participants to give back to the communities they love, as well as continue to teach them life lessons.
In 2017 HYFA expanded to offer dance. This new offering has allowed more children the opportunity to participate in HYFA.
HYFA continues to grow in participation each year, and this would not be possible without the dedication of all our volunteers, especially those 10 founding members back in 2003.
Board of Directors


Nick Pesce

Brooke Benedict

Jason Burch

Jon Sandlin

Gerald Bowen

Jennifer Sims

Ryan Trimble

Daniel Dunlap