Football and Cheer Organization
Hernando Youth Football Association
We believe this is absolutely a great opportunity for people to get involved with their kids. Provide their families the opportunity for the children to come in and learn the basics fundamentals and love of the sport.

HYFA History
About Hernando Youth Football Association
Hernando Youth Football Association’s mission is to promote the development of strong character, high self-esteem, good attitude and a sense of responsibility and citizenship among our community’s children through their participation in youth sports.
We believe this is absolutely a great opportunity for people to get involved with their kids. Provide their families the opportunity for the children to come in and learn the basics fundamentals and love of the sport. Most importantly what we teach the kids is to learn how to respect the game and respect each other. We want to provide a fun learning experience through football, cheer and dance teaching self-discipline, teamwork, concentration, friendship, leadership and good sportsmanship in a positive, safe environment. We are a total volunteer organization. All board members, coaches, etc.. We are completely funded by registration fees, donations and fundraisers, and our loyal sponsors.
2024 Hyfa Program Advertisement
We are gearing up for our 2024 season. HYFA is the only local youth Football and Cheer organization who produces a program each year. 2024 will mark our 21st anniversary! Our programs are a great keepsake for all participants every year.
Being a non-profit who puts every penny we collect right back into the program, we are asking for you to think about purchasing an advertisement in our 2024 program. Program ad spaces start at $75 and go up to $300.
Purchase an ad to give your participant a little shout out, or purchase an advertisement for your business. Our program typically reaches nearly 400 homes! If you have any questions please let us know, and remember “It all starts here!” Go HYFA!!

Our Programs

We are gearing up for our 2023 season. HYFA is the only local youth Football and Cheer organization who produces a program each year. 2023 will mark our 20th anniversary! Our programs are a great keepsake for all participants every year.

Cheerleading for HYFA provides an opportunity for girls ages 5-12 to perform in an organized and safety-oriented environment. The program emphasizes FUN for all as well as the development of qualities important long after youth cheerleading days are over such as self-confidence, respect, dedication, and teamwork.

Dance for HYFA provides girls ages 9-12 the opportunity to perform in an organized and safety-oriented environment. The program introduces dance terminology and skills while building a foundation to help develop and maintain self-confidence, dedication, respect and the importance of teamwork.